Essays on Bone Broke

1 admirable thoughts
"So what happened to your awesome blog? Why has it stopped?" You may ask. Well, let's say I'm not in the mood to keep posting as I used to. But I'm sure I'll be back on track soon.
So what happened is that I went to the bakery to buy some bread, but the people on the street were annoying me, so I sat on the railroad and waited for everyone to go away.

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Ensaio sobre Heurísticas em Engines de Jogos de Lógica II

2 admirable thoughts
Continuando nosso humilde artigo. Leia a primeira parte aqui:

RESUMO (clique para lê-lo)

Este artigo foi, em suma, inspirado na ideia de fazer a máquina vencer um humano em seu próprio jogo. Esta ideia serve para jogos que se enquadram na definição de atividade intelectual. São exemplificadas as formas de representação virtual do tabuleiro com arrays e do jogo em si com árvores. Cada nó contém um estado possível do jogo; cada turno leva a um novo nó. As folhas são os diversos fins de jogo.
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Essays on Poetry V

1 admirable thoughts
No posts yesterday, yes. I've been busy, but richer, thank you very much for asking.

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Essays on Et Cetera IV

1 admirable thoughts
Blah blah blah. Blah, bla-ah blah.

Best-kept secret
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Essays on Quotations II

2 admirable thoughts
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way.
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Essays on the Shortest Path

1 admirable thoughts
Sentence-construction Graph

Do you know that old math problem asking you to find the shortest way between two cities? Well, it is content of Computer Science's Graphs area. One of the most simple problems, actually.
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Essays on Poetry IV

24 admirable thoughts
So I just had this great shower to start the day like a dog in a chain. And found out the underbelly is sicker than it seems. And it seems ugly, but it can get worse. Because once you got a theory of how the thing works, everybody wants the next thing to be just like the first. [1]

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Essays on Politics IV

1 admirable thoughts
First off, I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I've been very busy at work and had some problems with homeless terrorists. Speaking of which...

Gun Rights Advocates Wary of Coming Obama Measures in Wake of Tucson Shooting

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Essays on The Trap I

0 admirable thoughts

No, this is not about that kind of traps... nor the other kind. In this post I'll talk about a BBC documentary called The Trap.

PLOT (click to read it)
This television series was created by Adam Curtis and started airing on March 2007 with three one-hour episodes. The show explores the conception and definition of freedom/free-will and human behavior amongst society; while its precedent documentary, The Power of Nightmares, is about a comparison between Neo-Conservative movement in the USA and the radical Islamic movement (another great documentary).

#1 - F**k You Buddy
In the first episode, Curtis examines the rise of game theory during the Cold War and the way in which its mathematical models of human behaviour filtered into economic thought. Game theory during the Cold War is a subject Curtis examined in more detail in the To The Brink of Eternity part of his first series, Pandora's Box, and he reuses much of the same archive material in doing so. Curtis uses as main references two psychiatrists. John Nash, who invented system games (one of them called Fuck You Buddy) in which the only way to win was bestraying you parter. R.D. Laing, whose work in psychiatry led him to model familial interactions using game theory. Both of them believe that humans are inherently selfish, shrewd, and spontaneously generate stratagems during everyday interactions.

Title screen

All these theories tended to support the beliefs of economists such as Friedrich von Hayek, whose economic models left no room for altruism, but depended purely on self-interest, leading to the formation of public choice theory. In an interview, the economist James M. Buchanan decries the notion of the "public interest", asking what it is and suggesting that it consists purely of the self-interest of the governing bureaucrats. Buchanan also proposes that organisations should employ managers who are motivated only by money. He describes those who are motivated by other factors—such as job satisfaction or a sense of public duty—as "zealots".
>Well, fuck you, Buchanan


The episode ends with the suggestion that this mathematically modelled society is run on performance targets, quotas, statistics and that it is these figures combined with the exaggerated belief in human selfishness that has created "a cage" for Western humans. The precise nature of the "cage" is to be discussed in the next episode. Of which I'll talk about in a later post.

Watch the video here:

Preguiça de reescrever tudo. Fá-lo-ei mais tarde.

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Essays on Quotations I

2 admirable thoughts
What about some deep quotations so you can have something to think about on your remaining minutes of life?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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Ensaio sobre Heurísticas em Engines de Jogos de Lógica I

1 admirable thoughts
RESUMO (clique para lê-lo) 

Este artigo foi, em suma, inspirado na ideia de fazer a máquina vencer um humano em seu próprio jogo. Esta ideia serve para jogos que se enquadram na definição de atividade intelectual. São exemplificadas as formas de representação virtual do tabuleiro com arrays e do jogo em si com árvores. Cada nó contém um estado possível do jogo; cada turno leva a um novo nó. As folhas são os diversos fins de jogo.
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Essays on Poetry III

2 admirable thoughts
Last week there were no poems, so today we're having three.

Messy Room
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
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Essays on Hero

3 admirable thoughts
Cho Seung-Hui

People make me laugh. This guy was bullied, being laughed at, pointed at, etc. People didn't give one fuck then. They didn't care that they made him suffer, that his self-esteem took a hit every time they mocked him. "Who cares? He's here for our entertainment! He's the Finnish guy to make fun of!"
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Essays on Asymptotic Notations and Recurrences

2 admirable thoughts
Erik Demaine

Oh, my, look at this professor. I wish I had classes with him. He's young, nerdish and awesome. In the video we have a very good lecture on Asymptotic Notations. The professor briefly explains the Ο (capital Omicron, also known as Big-O), Ω (capital Omega) and Θ (capital Theta) symbols. Then he shows how to solve a recurrence using them, which was new to me.
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Essays on Et Cetera III

2 admirable thoughts
Some useless links so you can waste a little more time of your life. Just kidding, you've ought to check them out.

This girl farted hard.
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Essays on Cigarettes

3 admirable thoughts
The cigarette industry is one of the most profitable areas in the world. Its funding is based on how much lives people want to give away. The more souls, the higher profit. One dies a little bit per year and gives away hundreds of cash for it. Why? Fuck, no idea.

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Essays on Feminazism II

0 admirable thoughts

Second part of this Post Series is just this video because I don't have much time to gather resources and write more text. Enjoy and think about it.
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