Essays on Latinoware

19 admirable thoughts
  Late report again. Today I'm here to talk about something serious. It may not look like, you may think it's just some kind of stupid party, but no, it's way bigger than that and it really upsets me how little attention it gets from the media.

   Let's talk about Latinoware. Well, "what is it?", you might ask me. Latinoware is an Open Source Software related event/conference, promoted by Itaipu Bi-National at Foundation Itaipu Technological Park in Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil. Its name is Latino-Ware because the projects and discussions regard the use of free software on Latin Countries, but their applications go way beyond that. People of all countries gather in Itaipu to listen or talk about solutions and Open Source technology, with the presence of some famous ones, like Jon "Maddog" Hall.
   In October 21st of his year, 2011, occurred the eighth consecutive Latinoware, but it was, actually, the first one I attended to. I must say I really enjoyed it. I got the opportunity to go "for free" - the University paid my subscription and four-star hotel fee, but I paid for the transportation -, visit Paraguay where we can buy products with low taxes, visit Itaipu itself and take a close look at the barrages and, of course, enjoy the event. There were also mini-courses on different areas like 3D modeling, musical production, smartphone apps development, etc. I attended to the 3D modeling one. We used Blender, a really nice modeling free software.

   There was a problem: the software was not installed on the machines at the time of the class, so we (yes, we) had to do it by ourselves. Well, the teacher (Cícero Moraes) asked for an IT manager to solve this problem, but this manager was really stupid. He did not know the root password (to use apt-get) and neither knew which was the computers' archtecture so we could run Blender without installing it. Well, I easly ran $uname -a and told them we were on i386 machines. Everybody downloaded from the same mirror (the first one) and only I clicked on the third. Needless to say my download finished as fast as a heart attack and I had to share it with everyone. Since they could not tell me their addresses, I couldn't scp the files. So people handed me USB drives and I had to transfer the files to each one and return the drives to their owners. Damn it. After that, the class went smooth. Well, actually, sometime later they finally told us the root password.... 2011. Yes, the root password was 2011. So me and a friend installed Hedgewars, but the graphics wouldn't work. We just gave up after even trying sshing into our private server at UFPR and running the game from there.

   On that day I also got the one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk to Maddog. Okay, he's been in every Latinoware since 2005 (not sure). But, anyway, it is always an honor to talk to an icon like himself. People are all about "omg bew gayts is such a genius, setephen blowjobs revolutionary". They just buy what is sold. Literally sold. While there are things for free that are much better. Things on which Jon Hall and Dennis Ritchie worked hard on. Maddog made a conference on the first day of this Latinoware talking about Project Cauã. He and his team are creating CPU integrated on LCD panels at low voltage. There will be no power cable. it will only use the ethernet one. The intention is to build small networks with dozens of these machines, starting in Brazil. They would all be connected via high-speed wi-fi and would be turned on day and night, spending very little ennergy. We (me and my friend) were wondering at the conferece if the processing would be enough to attend our daily professional demand. Maddog explained to us the machine will have two processors: a main one and a graphic one. The main users to this machine are actually home/end-users, but if a harcore process is needed, the main processor would ask help to the graphic one. But it will also use cloud computing. Since all computers will be connected and turned on (the idea is to have something like a network with apartments of the same building), while some of them are not being used at all, they will lend their CPU to the ones in need. While we were talking stting nicely at a bench, people gathered arund us and I noticed I wasn't the only one annoyed with that. I couldn't even say "thank you" to maddog and some homos got interrupted us to take pictures with him. He said "Fiiiiine, but I'd rather answer more questions than take pictures". That's why I didn't take a picture with him. Although I wanted to, talking to him was satisfying enough.

Picture not made by me
   Oh, yes, Dennis Ritchie. He is a co-creator of the C programming language and Unix. He died a few days after Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs used C and Unix to build his empire. Bill Gates used C and Unixto build his empire. I use C to write software. "At least 75%  of the web as you know it (60% Server Share13% client share93% of web servers), is powered by the developments of Dennis Ritchie over his lifetime. Apple, the World Wide Web, and iPhone probably wouldn’t even exist had Dennis never invented C programming language and the contribution to Unix." [8]. Furthermore, C++, PHP and Java were inspired on C. Everybody cried over Steve Jobs, who just recycled ideas and didn't help at all with software development; no one cared about Ritchie, who influenced the WHOLE-- FUCKING-- WORLD .
   Nobody paid attention to his death for the same reason  nobody pays attention to Latinoware nor FISL, while the whole Brazil talks about the shitty Campus Party. It's all about publicity and media. The broadcasting channels are paid to talk about Apple. They are paid to talk about Campus Party. Why would they care about Dennis Ritchie or Latinoware? Nobody pays them to talk about free software. So let's talk about a conference with lots of propagandas, half-naked women, concept cars that do not work, good looking computers and geek herp tha derp stuff. Then, all the bazzingers gather with their stupid hipster hardware to sit there tweet the same thing: I'm here tweetting with a lot of tweetting people around me, we are useless. With that, they think they are somehow a difference to the world, they are really confident to be up to date on technology and software development. Oh, of course, they just downloaded the new apple application for only US$2,99. They know everything about how to use it, but have know idea of how it really works. And, yet, they pay even more for a subscription to Campus Party to go there, use closed software and see commercials. Everything they could do at home. Place where they come back to without anything new to contribute to the society.

I feel kind of relieved after typing this last paragraph. As I stated before, I get really upset and even scared of how our society behaves regarding this subject. Computing is way more than little apps. As people turn their backs to the real matters, they get cuffed by the products they blindly buy.


First day of conference

At the end of the 1st and 2nd days, there were some groups playing a nice rock and there were also free food and drinks

This guy didn't know how to operate a headphone (used for realtime-translation)
At the end, some stupid gibberish. The guy dressed in white was a total fag

Itaipu Barrages. We walked for 20min under the hot sun, and the guides of those busses stopped us saying they would call the guards because we were not allowed outside the event.
Paraguay is like China

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Essays on Bad Religion

0 admirable thoughts
Hello, fellow random reader. It's been a long time since my last post. I've been really... lazy.

So, on October 11th was "the" night. The remarkable rocking band Bad Religion was on tour in South America and I just couldn't miss that opportunity.
Their show took place in Curitiba Master Hall, where lots of different people were gathered, not just the regular rock n' roll fans. After the opening band (Abra Cadáver, I guess) stopped playing, the lights went down and there was this peculiar human being on the corner, alone, playing chess on his phone.
Picture taken by me

There were also some "kiddos wannabe adults" that had no idea of what the fucking band they were listening to and just kept drinking and messing up with the girls, trying to impress them wearing homo shirts. Other than that, yes, nice people. A lot of energy.

Picture taken by me

 The group performed really well. No doubts. The Resist Stance, 21st Century, Infected, etc. I just wish they had played more/other songs from The Dissent of Man. There are some really good ones and I missed them as it should have been a tour dedicated to this new album release.
Well, if you do not know these guys yet, you are in serious trouble, since even my father does. How about you check out some of their songs read a bit about them at the same time?

Bad Religion is a punk rock band that formed in Los Angeles in 1979. They are often credited for being involved in the revival of punk rock and inspiring several subsequent punk bands during the late 1980s, as well as influencing a large number of other punk and rock musicians throughout their career. Bad Religion is also particularly known for their use of soaring 3-part vocal harmonies, sophisticated and intellectual lyrics, and political or religious commentary. Their lyrics often relate to matters of social responsibility.
Faith in your partner, your fellow men, your friends, is very important, because without it there's no mutual component to your relationship, and relationships are important. So, faith plays an important role, but faith in people you don't know, faith in religious or political leaders or even people on stages, people who are popular in the public eye, you shouldn't have faith in those people. You should listen to what they have to say and use it.
Greg Graffin

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Ensaio sobre Site da UFPR Invadido

0 admirable thoughts
Não há muito o que dizer. Trago-lhes em primeira mão a notícia de que mais uma vez o site da Universidade Federal do Paraná foi hackeado. Estou acompanhando há algumas horas as alterações que estão sendo feitas no portal da UFPR. Entretanto está tudo muito lento; tanto o processo de alterações quanto o servidor.
Na última festa que ocorreu no site, um texto bem interessante fora publicado a respeito de Wellington.

Desta vez, um não tão engraçado. Trata-se da legalização do casamento com lolis.
Muitos tratam a alteração dos banners como "trolage", outros mais perspicazes veriam que um troll decente seria o autor do texto. "Seria" pois eu não duvido que a opinião defendida fosse realmente a dele.
O site é:
E o texto pode ser acessado em: 

Mais algumas horas se passaram e algumas poucas mudanças foram feitas. Trocaram alguns banners, adicionaram uma notícia e deixaram no ar por algum tempo uma mensagem referente a uma manutenção.

 O problema é que essa mensagem foi muito falha sem qualquer intuito de fisgar alguém, ficando simplesmente ridículo. O chefe do departamento é o Bona e o coordenador é o Todt e lá só se utiliza Linux. A existência desse Nabokov é fictícia e nada convincente. Segundo as minhas fontes, nessa altura do campeonato, já não se tratava mais do hacker original, mas sim de uma galerinha de bad à qual o invasor forneceu a conta.

 Como tudo é passageiro, registro aqui este acontecimento e preservo imagens da situação.

Texto com intuito de gerar polêmica
Imagem publicada pelo invasor

Home 3.0

Home 1.0
Home 2.0
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Ensaio sobre Curitiba

1 admirable thoughts
O texto a seguir foi copiado do post  As 10 Cidades Mais Resilientes do Planeta porque eu perdi a vontade de escrever tudo o que tinha em mente. Quem sabe mais tarde eu o faça.


A atual edição da revista canadense Corporate Knights, que traz sempre artigos com um enfoque original sobre sustentabilidade corporativa, traz um artigo sobre as dez cidades mais resilientes do mundo. Entenda-se por cidade resiliente aquela empenhada em retornar a seu estado de equilíbrio ecológico após passar por intenso processo de urbanização.
Neste ranking, a cidade de Curitiba foi a única brasileira a aparecer. Pesou na escolha do empresário e escritor Boyd Cohen  o fato dos governantes da cidade terem dado os primeiros passos na direção de uma urbanização verde há cerca de 40 anos.

Em Curitiba foi implementado o primeiro sistema de ônibus de transporte rápido do mundo, com ônibus biarticulados que circulam por corredores exclusivos e param em estações fixas, e os ligeirinhos, que também param apenas em pontos determinados.

Por ser antigo, porém, o sistema já começa a pedir uma atualização. Os biarticulados trafegam superlotados nos horários de pico, como em qualquer cidade. Os ligeirinhos utilizam as mesmas vias que os carros – ou seja, com o aumento de automóveis nas ruas, este tipo de transporte se torna mais lento. Ainda assim, o modelo curitibano serve de inspiração para cidades brasileiras que oferecem aos cidadãos somente o tradicional “busão”.
Para elencar as dez cidades mais resilientes do mundo, Cohen considerou aquelas com mais de 600 mil habitantes e adotou uma série de filtros: comprometimento político, densidade populacional, trânsito, uso de energias renováveis, emissões de CO², mitigação de efeitos climáticos, planos de adaptação e extensão territorial de parques. Abaixo, as campeãs:

1 – Copenhague, Dinamarca - 40% dos cidadãos vão para o trabalho de bicicleta. Foi a única cidade a obter a pontuação máxima no quesito “comprometimento político”. Juntamente com Curitiba, é a cidade com a menor emissão de CO² [Nota do Jamatei: Oxigênio ao quadrado, isso realmente merece destaque] per capita.
2 – Curitiba, Brasil - Além dos atributos já mencionados, foi considerado também o plano de prevenção contra enchentes implementado na cidade na década de 70, por meio da criação de parques ao longo dos rios e canais do município.
3 – Barcelona, Espanha – Um percentual pequeno de energia renovável abastece a cidade, mas chama a atenção seu empenho em difundir o uso de energia solar. A administração municipal estabeleceu que todas as novas residências ou reformas devem incluir algum sistema de aquecimento solar – geralmente, para a água.


Aqui, parte do comentário publicado a respeito de Curitiba no artigo:
Curitiba is tied with Copenhagen for the lowest emissions per capita. Curitiba also comes second with its renewable energy contribution. Despite being the highest elevation city in this ranking it has the longest running adaptation program of any city in the study. In the 1970’s, Curitiba implemented a flood prevention plan from its nearby rivers by creating a win-win solution-creating 5,000+ acres of parks alongside their waterways.

Tudo bem que Jaime Lerner fez um ótimo projeto em sua época. Mas nas décadas que se seguiram, a resiliência da cidade foi decaindo. Hoje, está indo no mesmo rumo que São Paulo. Logo não haverá como transitar de carro na cidade e ninguém quer meter a mão no fogo para começar o projeto de metrô. Até o ano passado eu nem sabia que Lerner era tão famoso mundo a fora por seus projetos.

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Essays on Albert Einstein

31 admirable thoughts

Researches about the light are old, really old. Centuries old, I mean, altough they just got significantly developed on the second half of the XVIII century with new findings regarding electromgnetism. The first names to pop out were MaxwellLorentz and Poincaré. Great names that got the deserved attention at the time, but were forgotten for decades.
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Ensaio sobre o Livre Arbítrio

0 admirable thoughts


Os homens imaginam ser livres porque têm consciência das suas volições e dos seus desejos, e não pensam, nem em sonho, nas causas pelas quais se dispuseram a desejar e a querer, por não terem o menor conhecimento delas
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Essays on 9/11

1 admirable thoughts
     September's 11th day has come again. Ten years. Ten years have past since the remarkable fall of the World Trade Center. I remember watching the news as if it all happened a year ago. Given the special anniversary, I decided to make this post.
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Essays on Deal eXtreme

1 admirable thoughts

Hey hey hey. Just passing by to-- Holy Red-Eyes Black Dragon! The sky just went dark! Who cares...
Anyway, I ordered some products from DX for the first time. They arrived yesterday. Perfect shape.
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Essays on Poetry VI

0 admirable thoughts
Beautiful poetry today.

 I Think Bad Thoughts
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Ensaio sobre Wella

24 admirable thoughts
Esta postagem é dedicada ao meu antigo professor do Ensino Médio, o senhor Wellington Borges Costa. Conhecido como Wella, este carismático mentor foi vítima de repressão militar por razões "ultrajantes" em frente ao bar Ao Distinto Cavalheiro. Uma pena que só hoje eu tenha me tornado ciente desse fato, ocorrido em março deste ano.
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Essays on Real Pokemon

15 admirable thoughts

Long time no see. I randomly got into a website with lots of info and pictures on deep-sea fishes (later post) and also saw some animals related to pokemon. Ripping some stuff from there and other sources, I added some pictures and created the most complete "real pokemon catalog".
I may update this post including some info regarding the animals.

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Essays on Bone Broke

1 admirable thoughts
"So what happened to your awesome blog? Why has it stopped?" You may ask. Well, let's say I'm not in the mood to keep posting as I used to. But I'm sure I'll be back on track soon.
So what happened is that I went to the bakery to buy some bread, but the people on the street were annoying me, so I sat on the railroad and waited for everyone to go away.

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Ensaio sobre Heurísticas em Engines de Jogos de Lógica II

2 admirable thoughts
Continuando nosso humilde artigo. Leia a primeira parte aqui:

RESUMO (clique para lê-lo)

Este artigo foi, em suma, inspirado na ideia de fazer a máquina vencer um humano em seu próprio jogo. Esta ideia serve para jogos que se enquadram na definição de atividade intelectual. São exemplificadas as formas de representação virtual do tabuleiro com arrays e do jogo em si com árvores. Cada nó contém um estado possível do jogo; cada turno leva a um novo nó. As folhas são os diversos fins de jogo.
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Essays on Poetry V

1 admirable thoughts
No posts yesterday, yes. I've been busy, but richer, thank you very much for asking.

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Essays on Et Cetera IV

1 admirable thoughts
Blah blah blah. Blah, bla-ah blah.

Best-kept secret
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Essays on Quotations II

2 admirable thoughts
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way.
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Essays on the Shortest Path

1 admirable thoughts
Sentence-construction Graph

Do you know that old math problem asking you to find the shortest way between two cities? Well, it is content of Computer Science's Graphs area. One of the most simple problems, actually.
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Essays on Poetry IV

24 admirable thoughts
So I just had this great shower to start the day like a dog in a chain. And found out the underbelly is sicker than it seems. And it seems ugly, but it can get worse. Because once you got a theory of how the thing works, everybody wants the next thing to be just like the first. [1]

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Essays on Politics IV

1 admirable thoughts
First off, I'm sorry for the lack of posts. I've been very busy at work and had some problems with homeless terrorists. Speaking of which...

Gun Rights Advocates Wary of Coming Obama Measures in Wake of Tucson Shooting

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Essays on The Trap I

0 admirable thoughts

No, this is not about that kind of traps... nor the other kind. In this post I'll talk about a BBC documentary called The Trap.

PLOT (click to read it)
This television series was created by Adam Curtis and started airing on March 2007 with three one-hour episodes. The show explores the conception and definition of freedom/free-will and human behavior amongst society; while its precedent documentary, The Power of Nightmares, is about a comparison between Neo-Conservative movement in the USA and the radical Islamic movement (another great documentary).

#1 - F**k You Buddy
In the first episode, Curtis examines the rise of game theory during the Cold War and the way in which its mathematical models of human behaviour filtered into economic thought. Game theory during the Cold War is a subject Curtis examined in more detail in the To The Brink of Eternity part of his first series, Pandora's Box, and he reuses much of the same archive material in doing so. Curtis uses as main references two psychiatrists. John Nash, who invented system games (one of them called Fuck You Buddy) in which the only way to win was bestraying you parter. R.D. Laing, whose work in psychiatry led him to model familial interactions using game theory. Both of them believe that humans are inherently selfish, shrewd, and spontaneously generate stratagems during everyday interactions.

Title screen

All these theories tended to support the beliefs of economists such as Friedrich von Hayek, whose economic models left no room for altruism, but depended purely on self-interest, leading to the formation of public choice theory. In an interview, the economist James M. Buchanan decries the notion of the "public interest", asking what it is and suggesting that it consists purely of the self-interest of the governing bureaucrats. Buchanan also proposes that organisations should employ managers who are motivated only by money. He describes those who are motivated by other factors—such as job satisfaction or a sense of public duty—as "zealots".
>Well, fuck you, Buchanan


The episode ends with the suggestion that this mathematically modelled society is run on performance targets, quotas, statistics and that it is these figures combined with the exaggerated belief in human selfishness that has created "a cage" for Western humans. The precise nature of the "cage" is to be discussed in the next episode. Of which I'll talk about in a later post.

Watch the video here:

Preguiça de reescrever tudo. Fá-lo-ei mais tarde.

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Essays on Quotations I

2 admirable thoughts
What about some deep quotations so you can have something to think about on your remaining minutes of life?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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Ensaio sobre Heurísticas em Engines de Jogos de Lógica I

1 admirable thoughts
RESUMO (clique para lê-lo) 

Este artigo foi, em suma, inspirado na ideia de fazer a máquina vencer um humano em seu próprio jogo. Esta ideia serve para jogos que se enquadram na definição de atividade intelectual. São exemplificadas as formas de representação virtual do tabuleiro com arrays e do jogo em si com árvores. Cada nó contém um estado possível do jogo; cada turno leva a um novo nó. As folhas são os diversos fins de jogo.
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Essays on Poetry III

2 admirable thoughts
Last week there were no poems, so today we're having three.

Messy Room
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
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Essays on Hero

3 admirable thoughts
Cho Seung-Hui

People make me laugh. This guy was bullied, being laughed at, pointed at, etc. People didn't give one fuck then. They didn't care that they made him suffer, that his self-esteem took a hit every time they mocked him. "Who cares? He's here for our entertainment! He's the Finnish guy to make fun of!"
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Essays on Asymptotic Notations and Recurrences

2 admirable thoughts
Erik Demaine

Oh, my, look at this professor. I wish I had classes with him. He's young, nerdish and awesome. In the video we have a very good lecture on Asymptotic Notations. The professor briefly explains the Ο (capital Omicron, also known as Big-O), Ω (capital Omega) and Θ (capital Theta) symbols. Then he shows how to solve a recurrence using them, which was new to me.
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