Essays on Poetry III

Last week there were no poems, so today we're having three.

Messy Room
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.

His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.

His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.

Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!
-Shel Silverstein

Music I Heard
Music I heard with you was more than music,
And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
Now that I am without you, all is desolate;
All that was once so beautiful is dead.

Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
These things do not remember you, beloved,
And yet your touch upon them will not pass.

For it was in my heart that you moved among them,
And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;
And in my heart they will remember always,
—They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.  
-Conrad Aiken


Decadência Egípcia
Quéops e sua pirâmide 
Um machucado em sua falange.

Contra os assírios, estava Psamético
        Revoluções na indústria de cosmético.

 Reviravoltas em seu Império
        Amenófis morre em mistério.

Tutancâmon, aos seus 18
        Acabara de molhar o biscoito.
-Jamatei O. Poeta

2 admirable thoughts:

{ Mochileiro } at: 6 July 2011 at 22:17 said...

Considerando que espectativa de vida para época era 40 anos, ele perdeu muito tarde.

Anonymous at: 7 July 2011 at 00:00 said...

"Acabara de molhar o biscoito"

aheuhaeuehauh boa.

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